404 20% cashback on Cleartrip when you pay using MobiKwik

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20% Cashback On Cleartrip When You Pay Using MobiKwik

How To Get? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Book Flight Hotel Or Bus
  3. Pay The Amount With Mobikwik Wallet

  4. Note: Offer valid from 14th March till 24th March, 2016.

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Offer Details

Get 20% cashback on Cleartrip when you pay using MobiKwik.
Maximum MobiKwik cashback is Rs. 400.
Offer valid from 14th March till 24th March, 2016.
Offer can be availed once per user during the offer period.
Cashback will be auto-credited to your MobiKwik wallet within 24 hours.
MobiKwik offer displayed on merchant site will be valid only if its also displayed on MobiKwik website/app.
If your order is cancelled or left undelivered at merchant’s end, the merchant (not MobiKwik) will initiate a refund. After the refund is initiated, amount will be credited back to wallet within 7-10 days.
MobiKwik reserves the right to discontinue the offer without any prior notice.
Also, EARN assured PAYBACK loyalty points on all transactions done via MobiKwik wallet.
MobiKwik is the ONLY wallet which helps you convert your PAYBACK points into MONEY with a simple 2-click process.
On Merchants: Spend between Rs.200 and Rs.299, EARN 2PAYBACK points.
For every Rs.100 spent between Rs.300 and Rs.499, EARN 1 additional PAYBACK point.
For spends exceeding Rs.500, EARN 10 PAYBACK points + 2 PAYBACK points

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