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Animal Revolution The War Begins Paperback

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All animals, insects, bugs, moths, birds, reptiles, aquatic animals, amphibians and mammals living in the jungle were present in the meeting. Any animal living in any forest or city of the entire world, who wished to come, was present there. Almost all species of the animal kingdom like tigers, cheetahs, beers, horses, apes, elephants, mice, cats, dears, donkeys, reindeers, yaks, zebras, kangaroos, mongooses, giraffes, camels, rhinos, gorillas, chimpanzees and many other uncountable animals including even some endangered species like links, Chinese pandas, wolverines, American minks, black and snow leopards, had travelled from afar to participate in this grand meeting. Similarly, many birds like eagles, falcons, vultures, crows, parrots, Asian starlings, macaws, robins, hummingbirds, kingfishers, geese, flamingoes, pigeons, sparrows, herons, ducks, cranes, owls, chickens, peacocks, turkeys, kiwis, woodpeckers, ostriches etc. had flown down to attend the council. Animals had covered all the ground space while the birds were seated on the branches of trees. Lizards, snakes, chameleon, other reptiles and insects held on to barks of trees or seated themselves on twigs and leaves. The whole atmosphere was solemn and quiet. Wherever the animals found space, they stood or sat down. Their representatives stood ahead and behind them were a swarm of birds, animals and insects alike, covering miles and miles around Madiba’s lair. xxxxx Many Gandhis, Hitlers, Lincolns, Marxs, Maos, Charlies, Mandelas and other figures were present in the court. With them there were people like John Lock, Machiavelli, Rousseau etc who were arrested on the assumption of being mentors to these leaders. These mentors were not so famous figures among commoners. Emperor enquired all of them elaborately but he hardly received any valid information. On order of emperor a legal inquiry against each of them was initiated and consequently an F.I.R was lodged.

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