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(Live Now) Bigbasket- Order Groceries Worth Rs 1150 In Just Rs 800 Via PayZapp (Only Thursday) 

How To Get? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Download The App
  3. Add Products Above Rs.1200
  4. Add Or Select Shipping Details
  5. In Step Payment method, under Your eVoucher code Apply New users 15% off (upto Rs. 180) on Rs. 1000 coupon code BBFREEC20 or BBPAYTM20
  6. Pay The Amount With PayZapp Wallet(PayZapp Option Available Only In App) 

  7. Note: 
    The Offer is valid Only on Thursdays from 10 AM to 10 PM !PayZapp) Option Available Only In App . Coupons Works Only For New Users 


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Payzapp Big Basket Offer

  1. Offer is valid only on BigBasket app transactions through “Pay with PayZapp” provided customer is registered for PayZapp at the time of transaction.
  2. Max cashback is Rs.200 & Min spend to be Rs.1000 or more.
  3. A customer is eligible only for a Maximum once during the offer period.
  4. Offer valid Only on Thursdays(10 AM to 10 PM).
  5. Maximum one cashback per customer.
  6. Customer must have a verified PayZapp Mobile Number to avail the Cashback.
  7. We reserve the right to end any or all offers at our discretion without any prior notice.
  8. Cash back will be auto-credited within 5 working days after the date of transaction.
  9. In case the transactions is cancelled or left undelivered at merchant’s end, a refund will be initiated within the next 10 working days
  10. Offer valid only on Thursdays.


Note: Pay With Payzapp option avalilable only on Big Basket Mobile App.

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