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Dabur Chyawanprash Awaleha 1kg

Worth Rs.295 at Offer Price Rs.136

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Winter brings along common cough and cold with it. This, if not taken seriously can have adverse affect on your health. Your favourite season can leave a bad impact on you.

Winters demands extra care

So to enjoy this season of winters you must take care of your body. A simple Ayurvedic remedy is Dabur Chyavanprash. Dabur is a renowned brand in health care products. Dabur has an exclusive range of Ayurrvedic Health care products. 2 spoons daily of Dabur Chyawanprash will help protect you from common day to day infections like cough and cold.


Strengthen the immune system and protection from illness

Dabur Chyawanprash has anti-oxidant properties which strengthen the immune system and protect us from illness. Be winter ready with daily dose of Dabur Chyawanprash. Now its also available in yummy mango and mixed fruit flavours.


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