4718 Flat Rs.70 Cashback on 1st transaction and Flat Rs.35 Cashback on all next transactions @ HPCL Petrol Pumps

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Flat Rs.70 Cashback On 1st Transaction And Flat Rs.35 Cashback On All Next Transactions @ HPCL Petrol Pumps

How To Get? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Download The App
  3. Login Or Register
  4. Visit HP Petrol Pumps
  5. Fill Petrol Minimum of Rs.100
  6. Pay The Amount With Phonepe For Cashback

Note:Read Terms & Conditions(See Below)

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What is the offer?

  • Flat ?70 Cashback on first transaction and Flat ?35 Cashback on all next transactions during the offer period at partner HPCL outlets
  • Offer valid on transactions of ?100 and above, once per user, per day.

What is the eligibility criteria?

  • Offer applicable: 
    a) For all users, once per user, per day during offer period
    b) On all payment instruments
    c) At Select Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited outlets

What is offer Duration?

  • From 00:00 hrs. 27th September, 2018 to 23:59 hrs. 31st December, 2018

How many times this offer can be availed?

  • This offer can be availed once per user, per day, per device during offer period.

How do I avail the offer?

  • In the Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited outlets
  • Pick the “PhonePe” option for billing
  • You will get a request on the PhonePe app(POS / Collect Call)
  • Or Scan the QR code option avaliable at the merchant store(QR Code)
  • Use the relevant payment mode as described above to be eligible for the offer
  • Note: in case you hold a wallet balance, it will be automatically used for paying. Please uncheck the checkbox to not use the wallet amount
  • Click on pay to complete the transaction.

When do I get the cashback / benefit?

  • Cashback will be credited as PhonePe gift voucher balance within 24 hours of successful completion of the transaction.

What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?

  • If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you.

What happens in case of refund/cancellation of my order?

  • In case of any cancellations, the cashback given on the transaction will continue to remain as gift voucher balance and non-withdrawable to your bank account. This can continue to be used on PhonePe (recharges, bill payments, etc.)
  • Refunded amount less of cashback will be credited back to the source of funds used while making payment

    Other Terms and Conditions:

    • In case the PhonePe wallet limit for the month has been reached (?10000), the cashback will be credited on the first business day of the next month.
    • Offer is applicable on both iOS and Android devices once per device
    • Any cashback related queries should be raised within 30 days, post a successful transaction.
    • The transaction must be initiated using a PhonePe linked bank account and completed by the user within the PhonePe app
    • Cashback gift voucher can be used for recharges, bill payments and payments on PhonePe partner platforms/stores.
    • Cashback gift voucher cannot be withdrawn to any linked bank account or transferred to other customers.
    • PhonePe reserves the right to award offers and related benefits as per internal policy decided by PhonePe from time to time.
    • PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
    • In case of dispute, PhonePe reserves the right to take the final decision on the interpretation of these terms & conditions and also reserves the right to resolve the same as per the Terms & conditions of any offer at its sole discretion.

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