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Jabong App 50% Cashback On Rs .100 On 1 St Order

How To Get? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Download The App 
  3. Add product to cart > Make cart Rs. 100+
  4. Login Or Register
  5. Add Or Select Shipping Details
  6. You will see Rs. 1 Discount, this is confirmation that cashback code applied.
  7. 50% cashback upto Rs. 500 as Jabong credit or Gift voucher will be added in your account by 15th May 2016.

  8. Note: Read Terms and conditions Properly 

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Jabong App 50% Cashback Terms and Conditions:

50%* Cash back ( Max amount upto Rs. 500 )
Valid on First App Order Only.
Cash back amount will be distributed in form of Gift Voucher. Subject to Cancellation/Return.
Cash back amount will be distributed by 15th May 2016. Subject to Cancellation/Return.
Valid on Min Paid amount of Rs. 100.
Eligible only if you applied coupon “ACT50”.
50% Cash back calculated on basis upon the paid price. Jabong credit or Gift voucher would not be considered.
This Offer is valid till 14th April 16:00 IST only.
Customer should create his account. Guest login checkout will not be considered.
Please note that the you will see the discount once the voucher is applied as Rs. 1 which is a confirmation that the customer is eligible for a cashback.

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