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JIO Launches New Broadband Backup Plan With Unlimited Data @ Rs.1499

How To Get? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Visit Above Link or Give Missed Call On 60008 60008 or Visit the nearest Jio retailer and book a back-up connection
  3. You Can See this Image for Better Understanding or Read Below Details

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Ahead of IPL, Jio launches new broadband backup plan with unlimited data
For a 5-month plan, you can pay Rs. 990 (Rs. 198 x 5) and Rs. 500 for installation to get JioFiber.

Besides that, you can also pay for a 1, 2 or 7 day pass to upgrade the speed to 30Mbps or 100Mbps. To get the set-top box and 6 or 14 OTT apps, you can make a payment of Rs. 100 or Rs. 200 per month.

JioFiber is also offering customers to upgrade to an STB (Set-Top Box). With Rs 100 per month entertainment upgrade, you can get free STB + 400 live TV channels + 6 OTT (over-the-top) apps + YouTube. With Rs 200 per month, you can get a free STB + 550 live TV channels + 14 OTT apps + YouTube.

Here’s how to get a new Jio Fiber Back Up connection:

1. Backup plan at Rs 1490 - 5 month-service (Rs 990) & installation charges (Rs 500)
2. Entertainment Upgrade at Rs 500 / 1,000 - Rs 100 / 200 per month for 5 months
3. GST applies
4. New JioFiber Back-Up Connection will be available starting 30th March 2023
5. To book a new connection
o Give a missed call on 60008 60008
o Visit jio.com/fiber
o Visit the nearest Jio retailer and book a back-up connection

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