12283 Pay Credit Card Bill Of Rs.5000 And Get Rs.150 Worth Product FREE

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Pay Credit Card Bill Of Rs.5000 And Get Rs.150 Worth Product FREE

How To Buy? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Click Pay Now
  3. Pay Credit Card Bill of Minimum Rs.5000
  4. You Will Receive Scratch Card After Payment Successful
  5. Collect the Offer
  6. Now But Anything From Here on Launchpad 
  7. Pay The Amount Online
  8. You Will Get Rs.150 Cashback (Cashback Must Show on Payment Page)

Note:Read FAQs(See Below)

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1. What is the reward?
Make a payment for your Credit Card bill and Get a reward: Flat Rs.150 back on your next Amazon Launchpad order

2. How can I earn this reward?
• Make a successful Credit Card bill payment
• You need to make a min paymeny of Rs.5000
• Reward is applicable on your purchase of select Amazon Launchpad products listed at https://amazon.in/sep22launchpadoffer.
Note: You'll be only receive the reward if the transaction is successful.

3. What is the reward duration?
Reward is valid from 03-Sep-2022 12:00:00 AM to 01-Oct-2022 05:59:59 AM

4. How do I unlock the reward?
• You can unlock the reward by completing the above transaction in accordance with the applicable conditions
• An email, notification or SMS with the URL of the unlock reward will be sent, once the transaction is successfully completed.
• Upon receipt of such email, notification or SMS, you can 'collect' / unlocked reward for future use.
• You can view all your unlocked rewards under "Your Rewards" section

5. How do I redeem the unlocked reward?
• Once you have collected the reward, the offer attached to the that reward will get auto-applied on your next eligible transaction on Amazon.in, i.e. on your next eligible transaction.
• You will receive your reward within 24 hours of successful completion of this transaction (on which the reward is applied).

6. What if I do not receive the reward?
• If the transaction is in 'processing' stage, you will not receive the URL of the reward until the transaction is complete.
• Please update your email ID/ phone number in the account settings of your Amazon.in account, to receive the rewards.
• Please subscribe to push notifications, if you are unsubscribed

7. What happens if I am eligible for more than one reward?
If you are eligible for more than one reward, you'll be able to redeem the reward that gives the best cashback on your purchase. Rest of the rewards can be redeemed in subsequent purchases

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