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Payzapp- Get Flat 5% CashBack Upto Rs 1000 On Insurance Payments

How To Get? (Follow Steps)

  1. Visit Here
  2. Download the App
  3. Sign in OR If your a first time user, Register for an account using Referral Code on9deals
  4. Select Insurance option on the top and select the provider, enter policy number, Date of birth and Amount of Rs.10,000 or more and click proceed to pay
  5. Make the payment with the Payzapp
  6. Done !! Cashback will be to the bank account used while paying in 15 business days.

Note:Read Terms & Conditions Properly(See Below)

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Terms & Conditions

1. Offer is applicable only on Insurance Payments made via PayZapp

2. Get 5% CashBack* upto Rs 1000 per month per customer/device/PAN/Card/PayZapp registered mobile number on minimum transaction of Rs 10K during the offer period

3. Maximum amount of CashBack that can be availed during the offer period is Rs 1000 per month per customer/device/PAN/Card/PayZapp registered mobile no. during the offer period

4. Minimum transaction amount has to be Rs.10K or more to become eligible for cashback (max. CashBack Rs 1000)

5. Offer valid till 31st Jul, 2020

Click Here for More Payzapp Deals & Offers

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