416 Surf Excel Easy Wash Detergent Powder 5 Kg

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Surf Excel Easy Wash Detergent Powder 5 Kg

Worth Rs.650 at Offer Price Rs.580

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About this item
Surf excel Easy Wash has the power of 10 hands that removes tough stains easily
It’s a superfine powder that dissolves easily and removes tough stains fast
It's superior technology fights various tough stains such oil, ketchup, chocolate, curry stains
For tough stains, pre-soak you garments in Surf excel Easy Wash solution for 30 mins
Hand-wash - Use 2 scoops of Surf excel Easy Wash, Machine-wash - Use 3 scoops of Surf excel Easy Wash
It works on coloured as well as white garments. It easily cleans all your clothes while taking special care to guarantee there is no color transfer. Its unusual lather formulation ensures deep cleaning while saving water in every wash

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