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Uber Eats Coupon For New Users - Get 50% Discount Off On First Five Orders

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  1. Visit Here
  2. Download Or Open The App
  3. Register New Account
  4. At Checkout Promo Code  100BINGE
  5. Pay The Amount / Cash on Delivery

Note:HurryUp Limited Stock Available

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  • Coupon/Offer Details:
    UberEats Coupon CodePromo Code Details
    Flat 50% OFF On 1st 5 OrdersFrom All Top Rated Restaurants
    Applicable Only ForNew Customers
    Valid in all major cities likeBangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kochi, Jaipur, Pune etc
    Maximum DiscountWill be Rs 100 per transaction
    Offer Code is Applicable ForOnly Paytm Wallet Payments, Not valid for Other Bank Cards
    This voucher code will workFor Limited Period
    1. UberEATS offers flat 50% discount on first 5 orders of a new user using paytm wallet
    2. Maximum savings will be Rs 100 per transaction
    3. Minimum transaction amount is not required
    4. Apply the given ubereats coupons code at checkout page. Order Now

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