12744 UPAKARMA Ayurveda Pure Shilajit Blueberry Flavour

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UPAKARMA Ayurveda Pure Shilajit Effervescent Tablets Boost Performance Stamina Blueberry Flavour

Worth Rs.599 at Offer Price Rs.99

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Product Details
Strength & Stamina - Shilajit helps in improving physical health and stamina so that you can do more every day.
Helps In Improving Muscle Mass - Using Shilajit in combination with resistance training may promote gains in muscle mass and healthy body weight.
Helps in Improving Performance - It helps boost iron levels in the body which raises blood oxygen and hemoglobin levels. Its constituents enable the creation of energy, providing the required stamina for better physical performance.
Easy To Carry - These effervescent tablets are easy to carry and dissolves quickly in water which makes them a handy day-to-day supplement to carry.
Refreshing Taste - This Flavour is the infusion of luscious blueberries. Bursting with antioxidants and essential nutrients, blueberries complement the earthy flavor of Shilajit, creating a harmonious blend that entices your taste buds and nourishes your body.

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